Da1401 Makers Plate

Da1401 - Information

Da1401 Makers Plate

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This was the first Da to be used in revenue service with the NZR in 1955. It entered service on 23rd of August 1955. It was converted to Daa1401 for use at Te Rapa hump yards in 1971. This involved fitting a low-speed reostat control, which could be cut-out when mainline speeds were required, This equipment is still operational today.

It can haul 410 tonnes up the Raurimu Spiral and 350 tonnes on Passenger Services. It is one of three Phase 1 Das left in preservation the others are Da 1410 owned by Steam Inc and 1429. There are a total of 7 Da's in existence; 1400 at MOTAT, 1401 Feilding, 1410 Steam Inc, 1429 Auckland, 1431 Steam Inc, 1471 Kiwirail and Dar517 Kiwi Rail Nose chopped.

Da Class

Da1401's Technical Information

Da1401 - History

1955 - 1987 NZR service
1987 - Tony Batchelor took ownership
1988 - August Loco moved from storage at Sims Pacific scrapyards, to Pacific Rail Trust storage, Auckland Inwards Goods.
1991 - Loco transferred to Parnell Diesel Depot, shared by Pacific Rail Trust & Mainline Steam Trust.
1997 - Loco leased to TranzRail Ltd.
2002 - TranzRail New Plymouth.
2003 - Hutt Workshops.
2006 - Feilding Steam Rail

Da1401 - To FDSRS

Da1401 offically arrived at Feilding and Districts Steam Rail on the 11th December 2005, just in time to take shuttle rides in the yard after the Feidling Christmas Parade.
Da1401 travels from Palmerston North to Feilding.

Da1401 in the Depot 2008
Da1401 Cab Inside the cab showing front window and control stand.
21 November 2005
Da1401 Cab Controls Left Inside the cab showing the front and back of controls.
5 July 2008
Da1401 Cab Controls Back

To see what restoration and maintence has been completed since Da came to FDSRS, have a look at the Da1401 restoration page.

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